Ode to Neovim

As a long time linux user, i’ve had to pick a side on vim/emacs war decades ago, have no idea but vim won my heart, since then, after a lot of editors/IDEs, i’ve been having great time using neovim.

Neovim out of the box is a great vim replacement, but to become great for coding demands a lot of fiddling, even after i settle for LunarVim i still need some tweaking to become what i desire.

LunarVim comes with nvim-dap, it works great for some languages, and need some adjustements for others, i intent to write about my settings to work with python/Flask later, but for now i will show how to change settings on LunarVim core plugins, in this case for dap.ui, to check for current values on LunarVim config, you can check core/dap.lua source.

For example, to remove some panes, just add to your ~/.config/lvim/config.lua the lines:

 1lvim.builtin.dap.ui.config.layouts = {
 2  {
 3    elements = {
 4      { id = "scopes",      size = 0.73 },
 5      { id = "breakpoints", size = 0.17 },
 6      -- { id = "stacks",      size = 0.5 },
 7      -- { id = "watches",     size = 0.5 },
 8    },
 9    size = 0.23,
10    position = "right",
11  },
12  {
13    elements = {
14      { id = "repl",    size = 1.0 },
15      -- { id = "repl",    size = 0.45 },
16      -- { id = "console", size = 0.55 },
17    },
18    size = 0.22,
19    position = "bottom",
20  },